Full Sail University

Frequently Asked Questions

下面,你会发现一些关于Full Sail大学的常见问题. 如果你想找这里找不到的信息,请 contact us.

About Full Sail
Where is your campus located?

Full Sail大学的校园位于奥兰多郊区, Florida called Winter Park, 以居民社区和轻工业为主的城镇. The school is 15 minutes from downtown Orlando, 35 minutes from Disney and Universal Studios, one hour from Cape Canaveral and the Atlantic beaches, and less than two hours from the Gulf of Mexico. To view our location on a map, visit the Contact page; to learn about our location, visit Explore the Area.

Is Full Sail an accredited school?

Yes. Full Sail大学是由独立教育委员会授权的, 佛罗里达教育部提供科学副学士学位, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Science, and Master of Fine Arts degree programs. 有关该机构的更多信息可以通过联系西盖恩斯街325号的委员会获得, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400, toll-free telephone number 888.224.6684. Full Sail获得了职业学校和学院认证委员会(ACCSC)的机构认证。, [School# 055214]. The ACCSC is listed by the U.S. 作为认可的认证机构根据第34章的规定, Chapter VI, Part 602 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Further information may be found at www.accsc.org and the Accreditation section of our site.

Do you offer tours of the campus?

Yes. 我们提供每月的幕后之旅,以及每日旅游和团体旅游. Upcoming Behind the Scenes Tour dates can be found on the Take a Tour page, or you can call 800.226.7625 to schedule a visit. For group tour information, email [email protected].

What makes Full Sail University different?

Our education is delivered via immersive teaching methods, 无论是在Full Sail的现实世界的制作工作室和教室, as well as through our online learning environment. 我们的每一个og体育都旨在为学生提供知识和现实世界的经验,为他们在娱乐媒体和新兴技术领域的独特职业道路做好准备.

为了更多地了解Full Sail与其他学校的不同之处, visit We're Different.

Why does the Full Sail logo include an airplane?

自80年代末以来,我们一直使用道格拉斯DC-3飞机作为我们的标志, 为了反映这样一种信念,即掌握娱乐技术就像坐在革命性飞行器的驾驶舱里——它结合了纪律, a love of innovation, and ultimately, passion, 在追求梦想的过程中,把自己定位在最好、最有效的前进道路上, goals, and success.

What is Full Sail's accelerated pace like?

The degree programs at Full Sail are full-time. Schedules are distributed on a monthly basis, 学生们通常会在新的一个月的一两个星期前就知道他们的课程表. 校园学生每周参加5到6天的课程和实验室学习32到40个小时. By doing so, 学生毕业的时间通常不到传统学院或大学所需时间的一半.

How many students currently attend Full Sail?

大约有21,000名学生在Full Sail注册.

What is campus life like for a Full Sail student? What about online?

大多数学生每周上32到40个小时的课和做实验. 课程的讲座部分通常在白天或傍晚进行. The lab portion of a course will follow the lecture. 全天24小时运行,实验室可以在白天或晚上的任何时间进行. 这样做是为了模仿娱乐行业的时间表,让学生为现实世界的生产场景做好准备. To learn more, visit Our Campus.

我们的在线og体育是围绕着一种人性化的在线教育方式建立的. 学生与同学合作和交流,也有机会获得导师, most of whom are located on Full Sail’s campus. To learn more, visit Learning Online.

How is learning on campus different than learning online?

在线和校内og体育都需要相同的学分来完成. 有些人选择在校园学习,因为他们认为那是最好的学习环境. 还有一些人选择在网上攻读学位,因为他们无法搬家, want to maintain a full-time job, have family commitments, etc. 此外,一些在线课程在校园内不提供,反之亦然.

对于在校学生,部分课程将通过Full Sail Online平台授课.

Does Full Sail offer on-campus housing?

Full Sail does not have on-campus living arrangements, 但我们的住房部会帮助学生找到公寓,并在需要时提供潜在室友的信息. 我们提供一份住房指南,提供有关公寓大楼的详细信息, floor plans, and prices. You can view an online version of our housing guide here.


Full Sail有几个俱乐部和组织,涵盖学术/职业兴趣, arts and entertainment, volunteering, hobbies, faith-based organizations, and other unique interests. 其中包括音频工程协会的学生分会,MEISA(音乐) & Entertainment Industry Student Association), Film Society, Black Student Union, Digital Art and Design Association, LAN Games Group, and Special Effects Society. Visit Full Sail Stories to learn more about student activities and events.


Full Sail的年度安全和犯罪统计报告副本可供准学生和入学学生使用, faculty, and staff. 这份报告包括了过去三年校园犯罪报告的统计数据, 在某些校外建筑或由Full Sail拥有或控制的财产中, 在校园内(或紧邻并可到达)的公共财产上. You can download the report here, or visit the Campus Safety page.

I won't have a car while attending Full Sail. Are there other forms of transportation available?

Full Sail位于学生友好型住房的中心,步行即可到达, restaurants, banks, shops, grocery stores, and medical facilities. 奥兰多有一个公共交通系统,为那些没有车辆需要离开附近地区的学生提供服务. 有关巴士时间表,路线和票价的更多信息,请与Lynx巴士系统联系 407.841.8240 or online at GoLynx.com.

Can I record at Full Sail Studios?

欲了解更多关于在Full Sail录制的信息,请发送电子邮件 [email protected].

Does Full Sail currently have open positions?

For more information on career opportunities at Full Sail, visit our Jobs page.